Every friday we stream live dj sets from our headquarters using the channel from our friends at Grooveline. The tripstream show will bring you all our residents on rotation plus (international) guests passing through our shop. Nothing too serious, just fun and good music to kickstart your weekend. You can drop by at the shop for cold drinks or tune in for the audio/video stream using the player at: www.grooveline.org every friday between 19:00 and 0:00 CET.
This friday we are celebrating our crew member Tomas’ his 23rd birthday. He invited a large group of friends to take over the decks during the stream, so for this occassion we are starting earlier. Drop by from 17.00 cet in the afternoon. The weather forecast for next friday is tropical, so will be the music. We’ll probably turn on the grill so bring your meat and/or veggies for the bbq.
We are also very happy to welcome underground legend Rahaan (Chicago – USA) to our little recordstore. He will be playing a set on the Tripstream between 19:00 and 20:00 cet, so if you want to catch this maestro behind the decks make sure you drop by on time!
Line up:
– Rahaan (Chicago – USA)
– Jeng Do (Tuneskin Recordings)
– Shawn Rubens (Afterling)
– Philou Louzolo (Tomorrow is Now Kid!/Lazare Hoche)
– Khalil (Triphouse Rotterdam)
– Taylan Alan (Triphouse Rotterdam)
– WeRock ( Wessel Heij b2b Rocky, Triphouse Rotterdam)
– Simadan
– Zero
– Rene van Ewijk
– Tomas Argos (Triphouse Rotterdam)
– Special uninvited guest, came in through the backdoor, its him: SterAllures (Bootleg, Zaagmans, Je tante’s verjaardag)
There will be discount-tickets for 360 Degrees: Rahaan available at the store, so you can join us all afterwards at BIRD.
Tune in at www.grooveline.org for the live stream or use the player below. You are also welcome to drop by at the Triphouse Rotterdam Headquarters, located at the Josephlaan 38 Rotterdam west.