This friday we are celebrating Fes doti Fresh his 30th birthday at the triphouse headquarters from 19:00 to 00:00 CET. We invite everyone who is up for: great music by a great line up, drinks, love, fun and vibes! Suprise Fes with a great gift by celebrating with him! Bring your friends, bring your funny mood and bring some love!
We will see you at the triphouse headquarters <3. Line-Up: Bankster Dikkens aka Doctrations Comp Li Ment Panda Lasow Ivan Ice Fes doti Fresh Facebook event
The Tripstream show will bring you all our residents on rotation plus (international) guests passing through our shop. Nothing too serious, just fun and good music to kickstart your weekend. You can tune in for the audio/video stream using the player below, every friday between 19:00 and 01:00 CET. Use the chatbox to get in contact with us during the show!
Tune in at for the live stream or use the player below. You are also welcome to drop by at the Triphouse Rotterdam Headquarters, located at the Josephlaan 38 Rotterdam west.